PDC Reamers
PDC Reamer
PDC Reamer

PDC Reamer

PDC cutting structures excel across diverse formation conditions and offer PDC reamer sizes between 6 1/4 to 42 inches. Tailored for varying hole reaming dimensions, PDC Reamer's robust design augments both lifespan and drilling distance. In horizontal directional drilling, the PDC Reamer's specialized design ensures a smoother, steadier borehole. Its distinctive chip removal channel promotes swift cuttings evacuation, enabling rapid drilling with reduced torque and pressure.

PDC Reamer wholesale

Specifications of PDC Reamer

PDC Hole Opener
No. FormationIADC numberLithologyAppropriate PDC bit type
1Very softS123Clay Mudstone Marlite1944S, 1952
2softS223 S233Marlite Saline rock Shale1942D, 152GS, 1952AGS, 1952A,1652, 1362GR
3Medium soft5323 5324 S334Shale Sandstone Chalk1952GRS, 1952AGRS, 1963AGS, 1652S, 1653S, 1363AGRS, 1362GR, 1652DGS

PDC Reamer Performance

The advantages of the PDC reamer are: lower torque required, less vibration of the drill pipe, no moving parts, high reliability, good hole quality, repairable and replaceable cutting tools, and a general diameter of 100 ~ 190 mm.

PDC Reamer Performance
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